After my family and my job, the thing I spent the most brainpower thinking about in 2024 was VerseNotes, which I’ve been writing since August 2018.
This year marked a huge turning point, as I published the very first VerseNotes products and made the very first dollar I’ve ever made online, and then a few more. VerseNotes currently represents about 0.02% of our income.
Let’s first review what I did, then the results.
- I wrote just 3 new articles, two in January and one in July. Total words: 3,938.
- However, I published 183 new chapter summaries in Chapter By Chapter, including the end of Luke as well as all of John, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Acts, and Judges. Total words: 20,347.
- I passed 1,000 email subscribers on December 29, just eking out the win at the end of the year, my third year in a row of more than doubling the list size. Total words: I don’t know how to count words in emails in Kit.
What were the consequences?
- Unique visits: 99,625 (up 201.5% from 2023)
- Revenue: +∞%
The most popular page continues to be a data dump of A List of Books In the Bible By Number of Chapters, which includes numbers of verses and words as well, as well as some superlatives. Its traffic increased by 170% from 2023.
The fastest-growing page, unsurprisingly, is the Chapter By Chapter main page, up 267% from 2023. Unsurprising because it got by far the most attention this year.
Along with physical health, VerseNotes is one of my two themes for 2025. I’m excited to see what happens.